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Submission process

The submission process is determined by who audits your data:

For ABC Audited Products

Publisher > ABC > Certification

The publisher submits their return to ABC for certification. 

There may be circumstances where the return will need to be returned back to the publisher for corrections or the return is within a draft certificate review period.

For Non-ABC Audited Products

Publisher > Auditor > ABC > Certification

The publisher submits their return to their auditor for checking. The auditor checks the return and if correct submits the return to ABC for certification.

If changes are required or have been made by the auditor, the auditor will pass control of the return back to the publisher for re-submission to the auditor.

  • If the auditor is happy with the data and no changes are needed then the auditor can submit the data to ABC.
  • If the auditor is not happy with the data, the auditor should return control of the return back to the publisher for changes. The auditor may also amend the return, prior to returning control of the return back to the publisher.
Please note:
  • Only unmodified returns can be submitted to ABC by the Auditor.
  • The system regards post submission saves by the auditor as a modification, please take this into consideration when downloading PDF copies of the return, or when interacting with the return.

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